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Groups at English Martyrs

Life Is Better Together


We love seeing everyone at Sunday Mass but our Parish is not just a place to attend, it is a community we would love you to be part of.  Our groups lay at the heart of this community and offer the opportunity for you to get involved more and to grow in your faith.

We have a whole range of groups from social action to bible study: courses to homegroups.  Some groups are for particular ages, or for those with particular interests; others are for the whole family.

Have a look through our group pages and get in contact if you would like help in finding the right group for you.

Why groups?

All of our groups focus on five areas, each area helping you grow in knowing people in our community and growing in your faith.

Groups help you get to know other people in the parish, they are welcoming and inviting to all who come and help us grow in our faith.

The groups help you grow; we all need to grow in our faith and our discipleship and these groups are the place that will help you do this.i

Each group is a place of prayer, whether this is a formal prayer or one that is more spontaneous.

Our groups offer you a place to serve, you will be encouraged as you grow to help others feel settled in the group and begin to grow in their own faith.

We don't just want to focus on the inward but also outward; to go beyond our group and bring others in.

Course groups run for one term only with a particular focus in mind allowing you the chance to explore a particular topic in depth.

Emmaus groups are a place to meet and discuss the readings for the Mass that coming Sunday.

Family groups aim to help the whole family become the ‘Domestic Church’ and are a great place to start when you are seeking sacramental preparation for your chidlren.

Homegroups are a place where you can get to know other people, pray together and discuss the Bible in a friendly environment.

Social groups are a great way to meet new people in our parish who you would perhaps not meet otherwise.

Social Action groups are a great way to meet new people in our parish whilst helping to put into action Catholic Social Teaching.

Ongoing Formation

Day: weekly on a Monday

Time: 7.00pm – 9.00pm

Where: Currently on Teams  Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 397 486 525 516
Passcode: z2sLwB

Leader: Tony Maina

Catholic Formation is a lifelong process that gives purpose and meaning to our lives as followers of Christ. It involves firstly the study of God’s message revealed in the Holy Scripture and in the Church’s teaching. Secondly requires engagement with the sacraments and religious practices that equip and shape our daily lives.

Emmaus Group

Day: fortnightly on a Monday

Time: 7.00pm – 8.00pm

Where: Currently on Zoom (contact Richard for more information)

Leader: Richard Kennedy

The aim is to discover what God is saying to each of us through Scripture and how that relates to us in our lives. No expert knowledge of the Bible is required nor is it a test of how much we know, but rather it is a matter of listening to what God is saying to us.

Emmaus Group

Day: weekly on a Wednesday

Time: 10.30am – 11.30am

Where: Currently on Zoom (contact Richard for more information)

Leader: Richard Kennedy

The aim is to discover what God is saying to each of us through Scripture and how that relates to us in our lives. No expert knowledge of the Bible is required nor is it a test of how much we know, but rather it is a matter of listening to what God is saying to us.

Night Prayer

Day: Nightly

Time: 9.00 to 9.15pm

Where: On Zoom

Leader: Mel Noronha (

The Night Prayer of the Catholic Church is prayed.  It is a wonderful way to end the day.

Look forward to seeing you.

Emmaus Group

Day: monthly on a Saturday

Time: 4.30pm – 5.30pm

Where: On Zoom

Leader: Angela Wills and Tünde Csabai

This friendly and informal group meets monthly to read the following Sunday’s Scripture passages in order to deepen our understanding of them, and to explore what they mean to us in our daily lives. New members are always welcome – no expert knowledge is required – just an interest in discovering more about the Scriptures.

Caring for Creation

Leader: Paula Wild

A group for all parishioners who want to help the environment and put our parish Live Simply Plan into action.

We meet about once a month and have a lively WhatsApp group – we’d love you to join us! Email the parish office to find out how to join.

More information here: